Friday, July 10, 2009

Your vote counts!

The time is drawing near for the announcement of July's Nerd Man of the Month, and I need your nominations. Tell me who you think should claim this month's honor and why. Don't forget, this award could have a huge impact on the recipient's career -- in fact, many of the famous people who have earned this award are still famous today, and we all know it's because people are awed by the presence of the "Nerd Man of the Month" honor on their CV.*

Be sure to check the list to the left highlighting past Nerd Man honorees and then submit your nomination in the comments below.

I'll open the nominations with a vote for the men of "Mythbusters." Now it's your turn. Remember, this could be the single most important decision you make in the next 30 to 40 seconds.

*This is totally not true.


Ms. Meg said...

I'm in Potter mode, so I vote Alan Rickman, the thinking woman's sex symbol...other than David Tennant, Simon Pegg, and Jon Stewart.

And Ira Glass.

And all of the other NMotM honorees.

Red said...

I second your motion for the Men of Mythbusters. Especially Grant Imahara. He makes math look cool, and he builds all the robots. And he's cute. What's not to like.

Red said...

I would also vote for Alan Tudyk for the following reasons:
1. He was in Firefly and Dollhouse, playing roles involving some science and serious knowledge skills.
2. He's in the upcoming remake of V.
3. As you mentioned, he's in Tucker and Dale vs Evil.
4. He was naked for most of Death at a Funeral, so you've got some great choices for pictures already.

Emily said...

Alan Tudyk! Definitely.

Unknown said...

Nathan Fillion - Captain Mal, Captain Hammer, and that weird priest on Bufy

Alan Tudyk - He literally kills people on every show he does

Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert - More people get their news from them than CNN

Bruce Campbell - He's THE BRUCE

And finally:

Robert Downey Jr. - He's Iron Man for god's sake!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, the dudes from Mythbusters aren't up there already? It's a given, then. Ought to go straight to them.

Unknown said...

If this is for the month of July, then I would pick John Barrowman. The Torchwood Miniseries has been airing on BBC and it's amazing.

Other nominees would be Zachary Quinto for Star Trek and his continued success on Heroes. Alexander Skarsgård for being the hottest thing about True Blood. Or maybe Daniel Radcliffe, Alan Rickman, or someone else Harry Potter since that movie is coming out this month.

Mae said...

Ooo...I like the Alan Tudyk suggestion, especially since now we know he is Alpha...

But seriously, David Tennant hasn't been nerd man of the month yet? I think it's high time Doctor Who got some nerd man recognition! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this award can be posthumous, but how about Nikola Tesla, since it's his birthday?

Anonymous said...

Shia Lebouf. He's young in his nerd-ness, but he'll grow into it :D

hgleiser said...

The men of MST3K--mmm, Joel and Mike...

And, as I've already tweeted, Michael Palin the Anglomaniac thinking woman's sex symbol.

Lisa said...

Men of Mythbusters all the way!!!

And post that clip with Tory jumping the wagon on his bike...

Minerva said...

I will totally go with the Men of Mythbusters...but Daniel Radcliffe really should be on the list eventually too. I guess you have 2 more movies to synchronize that with.

Katie said...

I'd like to throw in Adam Brody's name. He did a good job representing our people on The O.C., and is quite the nerd himself.

The Pea Picker said...

I'd like to see the men of The IT Crowd be Nerd Men of the Month. Moss, Roy, and Richmond. Am I alone? Please tell me you watch this series.

Leah said...

Ryan Reynolds! I mean, for one thing he has the world's most beautiful chest of all the chests in the land, but far more importantly, he goes out of way to participate in nerdy films and- especially with his role as Deadpool- puts a heavy hand in making sure comics canon is honored. He's One of Us.

Barring that, I'll jump on the Alan Tudyk and Dan Radcliffe bandwagons.

Fraidycat said...

Zachary Levi most definitely. A bit of a geek off the screen as well as on. If only more geeks looked like that *sigh*

Oh, that girl again... said...

Count me in the Alan Tudyk and/or Alexander Skarsgård camp.

Racoon Hat Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Avid Reader of the Park Bench said...

Nathan Fillion was NMotM on 11/20/07, David Tennant was NMotM on 4/18/06, Colbert and Stewart were NMotM on 9/19/07, Bruce Campbell was NMotM on 9/22/08, and Robert Downey Jr, was NMotM on 5/19/08. The list in on the left sidebar. Just an FYI.

Me again said...

Oh and Ira Glass was NMothM last month.

Anonymous said...

All the mentioned were great.

How about Keith Olbermann. Not what many would call a typical "nerd"....

Anonymous said...

People have been mentioning Alan Tudyk, who is awesome, but what about the other Dollhouse hotties? Tahmoh Penikett, Fran Kranz, Enver Gjokaj. I could also point out the genius himself: Joss Whedon.

DameRuth said...

John Barrowman. Not only is he Captain Jack Harkness on Doctor Who and Torchwood, but he's also a total, self-confessed SF geek who avidly collects his own action figures.

Doesn't get much nerdier than that!! :D

Given that Torchwood's in the middle of a kickass miniseries right now, he would be an extra-relevant choice this month, too!

Anonymous said...

Hm, well, the men of Mythbusters definitely need to be Nerd Men of the month sometime, but so does Alan Tudyk, oooh, and Nicholas Brendon because he was Xander! Just his name screams "nerd!" (the character, not the actor, but you know what I mean). Oh, Matthew Gray Gubler is also a good candidate because he plays the ultimate nerd boy on Criminal Minds-high IQ, eidetic memory, limited social skills and the possession of numerous sweater vests...what more can you ask of a nerdly man?

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking the two men of Harry Potter.
Daniel Radciffe for the younger nerd girl (as well as the cougars)
Alan Rickman for the nerd girl with a more mature taste.

Save the men of Dollhouse for September when it returns.

Sara Jo said...

My votes are for Alan Tudyk, Daniel Radcliffe, and Rupert Grint.

agent57 said...

There is not a nomination on this page that I don't agree with... but I'm going to go with a tie of Mythbusters/The Rickman/Alan. Any of those, and I will be happy.

Cara King said...

I'll vote for Alan Tudyk. I've loved him ever since A Knight's Tale, and in my book he can do no wrong (as a robot, a villain, or anything else...)

deidre said...

Alan Tudyk should definitely be honored as Alpha, as well as for his Firefly/Serenity greatness...but I do like the sneaky suggestion of Adam Brody...sneaking nerdy goodness into the mainstream...

Jo said...

Because I cannot believe he has not already been a recipient, John Green! One half of the Vlog Brothers, John and his brother Hank are founding members of Nerdfighters, for crying out loud! Plus, he's just generally made of awesome.

Sonya said...

I vote Mythbusters!

Michell said...

I'm in to the harry potter mode, so I vote Alan Rickman... who I love even more since I found out he is the catterpilar in Burton's Alice and Wonderland. That has to count!

Claire said...

Alan ought to be honored. Of course you should have just honored the entire male cast of Firefly at this rate. Though the men of Mythbusters should be honored as well.

I say Mythbusters this month and Alan next month.

I'm sure someone else has already brought this up (I'm new to the blog) but wouldn't a Nerd Girl of the Month be awesome too. Maybe for women furthering the nerd girl cause....just a thought.

Sarah Blue said...

I vote Alan Rickman too!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the men of Mythbusters.... But I'm going for either of the Alans.... They are both drool worthy in their own way.

Rose said...

I'll vote for the Mythbusters dudes as long as you are including ALL of them (which means Grant and Tory as well as Adam and Jamie). Still, you just have to get around to Alan Rickman one of these months (that voice.....mmmmm......)

Addie said...

I heart Alan Rickman - he's my vote!

But I also like the idea that someone had to vote for The IT Crowd men. Moss especially is adorable.

Pam said...

Does the NMotM honour nerdy men who are furthering the cause of nerdiness or men who have endeared themselves to nerdy women?

Either way, the Men of Mythbusters is a great nomination - and I agree that it should include all the men (I love how nerdy Grant is with his name labels on all his tools and calculators).

I would like to put forth a nomination for Kevin Smith.

Also, what about Barack Obama? Not only is he nerdy (helloooo Spiderman) but he has greatly endeared himself to most nerdy women I know.

(She got Herself up) Killingly said...

adam brody, alan rickman, or the guys from mythbusters all sound good to me! i dont know if david lynch would count, but if he does, then him! uhm. oo.. rick moranis too :)

Anonymous said...

Alan Rickman, definitely! Loved him since Die Hard and Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves when he played the Sheriff of Nottingham! Oh, and Love Actually, too. His role as Snape was just icing on the cake.

A said...

I am also in a Potter mode... also, Sense and Sensibility. :) Alan Rickman all the way!!

agent57 said...

Maybe we should do an Alan & Alan NMotM honor for both Rickman and Tudyk. I mean, they don't really have anything in common but the first name, but still.

BRB, watching Sense & Sensibility clips ("The air is full of spices!") and wondering AGAIN why I don't own that movie already.

The Pea Picker said...

You've also got to get Rainn Wilson in there some day.

Rebecca S. said...

Let's celebrate Farscape's 10th Anniversary with Ben Browder as Nerd Man of the Month.

Red said...

Oh, how could I forget: Tudyk played Sonny in I, Robot!

Unknown said...

Vin Diesel, in honor of his D&D playin' ways.

Laurie said...

Okay, I am seconded Rupert Grint, because while I love the Mythbusters men and The Alans, Rupert Grint survived the swine flu. And... he owns a hovercraft.

Of course, it's only mentioned in the second-to-last paragraph about his "crush" on Emma Watson, but still!

crone51 said...

Alan Tudyk. Even though I can never remember how to spell his name ( The Tudyk part- I'm ok with the Alan).

Crunchyconmommy said...

Alan Tudyk or John Barrowman (in honor of the return of Torchwood and the fact that from everything I've heard, it's actually really good!). Also, have you seen the hilarious BBC reality show, "How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?" Let's just say the talent base in Britain isn't that large. But the show is so entertaining (sometimes unintentionally so).

Claire said...

Janey_13 I couldn't agree more. Ben Browder should be nerd man of the month. He was on Stargate SG-1 as well for those last two seasons after Farscape. That man certainly does like his wormholes.

Cat (proud Nerd Girl!) said...

Oh my Lord, so much Man-of-the-Month-ly goodness; I could get behind almost any of these. However, since we're talking teams, what about Fry & Laurie? Silly comedy for the smart girl (or boy), lovely, in a fluffy, moist kind of a way, and nice eye-candy to boot (I like 'em well-seasoned!) And I mean this in a pink, slightly special way!

Sarah said...

Just started watching Firefly (ok, I'm late to the party, I know)..But Alan Tudyk is my new favorite nerd crush.

I'd totally be ok with the men of MythBusters, though. They're pretty great guys, as well.

Would Hugh Laurie qualify as a NMotM? I mean, not only is House an absolutely brilliant character, but Laurie is pretty darn smart himself (and besides, isn't he simply adorable in Stuart Little??)

Anonymous said...

While I agree with everyone listed so far, I would like to point out that July 13th is Harrison Ford's birthday (as well as June 2008's NMofM, Patrick Stewart). It might be nice to recognize the man who gave us not only Han Solo, but Indiana Jones and Rick Deckard.

Oh, that girl again... said...

I know I already voted, however, I had a though this morning while cleaning out my DVR... Seth Green. Not only was he in Buffy, but let's not forget Robot Chicken. The Robot Chicken Star Wars (both episodes) will be forever saved in said DVR. Some of the funniest stuff I've seen in a long time.

Laurie said...

Oh god, I know I already commented, but I must vote again for Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie.

They both did Jeeves and Wooster together, for those unaware, and Stephen Fry is the sexiest brainiac ever. Go to youtube and look up the TV show QI (Quite Interesting). It is the smartest, funniest game show in the world, in my not-so-humble opinion. Stephen Fry is Nerd God.

rmiriam12 said...

My vote goes to John Barrowman. Torchwood: Children of Earth is amazing and he is stellar in it. He's a SciFi Nerd, Theatre nerd, and all around fanboy. Can't get any better than that!

agent57 said...

Stephen Fry was already awarded NMofM honors... but I am surprised to see Hugh Laurie has yet to be picked. For some reason I thought we had got to him.

And Sarah, I would definitely say he would qualify as a Nerd man, if for his roles on Blackadder alone. And he wrote a spy book!

Man, now I'm even more conflicted.

Anonymous said...

I second the vote for John Green (and throw in Hank Green as well). Guys who started a movement for "nerdfighters" (like freedomfighters) deserve this honor.

Anonymous said...

Could we just go with Alan Tudyk this month and all agree that David Tennant is the heir apparent for next month?

Amy said...

Alan Tudyk and Alan Rickman