Tuesday, May 26, 2009

An idea so bad it brings shame and dishonor to the other bad ideas of the world

Remember that "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" movie that made Baby Jesus and Kristy Swanson cry? Yeah, its original director Fran Kazui, who apparently owns the rights to "Buffy," is thinking of doing a new "Buffy" movie without the involvement of Joss Whedon or anyone else associated with the "Buffy" TV series...you know, the one that was a contemporary classic. They want to do it the way J.J. Abrams has relaunched "Star Trek," so that it would complement what was done in the TV series but give it a new, darker turn that could stand alone as a new movie franchise.

The article adds that Kazui and her co-producer husband may try to reach out to Whedon and get him involved but wow, it still sounds like a really, really dicey proposition. Isn't it better just to forget that "Buffy" the movie ever happened and just move on, never looking back and never even opening up to our therapists about it?



Anonymous said...

excuse my language but... fuck that. i will boycott!

Unknown said...

My mantra for today is:
Just because they're working on it, doesn't mean it will actually happen.

Emily said...

Oh no. It's not going to happen. It simply can't. If there is anything right in this world they will not defile the name that is Buffy. They WILL NOT!

Unknown said...

I feel like I can't breathe. I'd rather shove ice picks under my fingernails than even think about a Buffy movie without Joss. Fran Kazui is no J.J. Abrams and it's an insult to the entire Buffy fandom to even consider this. She can burn in hell, imo.

Yeah, I have strong feelings about it. :)

Oh, that girl again... said...

They each have their merits (come on - who didn't love PeeWee's big death scene).

That said, just ask McG how trying to remake Spaced w/out any of the original people involved worked out.

DropEdge said...

Between this and the California Prop 8 announcement, a little part of me just died. I'm pretty sure I'm going to spend my evening watching "The Body" again and again while drinking massive amounts of cheap-ass whiskey.

agent57 said...

I actually liked the original movie... But guys? No. There's just... no Buffy without Whedon anymore, if there ever was.

I would feel less strongly if they decided to just tell the story of a different slayer, but even that would somehow seem wrong.

Beth said...

Oh, HELL no!!! Buffy without Joss is like chocolate without peanut butter.

LoriK said...

They want to make it darker than the TV Buffy? Have they seen the TV Buffy?

Anonymous said...

If Whedon is involved, there is hope, but alas, Hollywood will likely provide us with another "Twilight" instead of something with real teeth.

krawr_thecuddlebear said...

I follow Buffy the Vampire Slayer religiously, the tv show and honestly the movie sucked. If Joss Whedon is not in charge of the movie then it just shouldnt be made. I'd love to see a movie of Buffy the Vampire Slayer made by Whedon with the old gang. James Marsters, Sarah Michelle Gellar, David Boreanaz, Allison Hannigan ect ect. Itd rock... also seeing as the end of the series, to me, didn't have much closure. Although it did leave the future of all the characters to the imaginations of the veiwers, which was nice. still a movie would rock but only if whedon wrote it....

Oh, that girl again... said...

Krawr - but Joss did write the original movie...
