Wednesday, May 02, 2007


From Tree comes news of this cool pedal-powered roller coaster in Japan:

To me, this would be one of the top ten all time amazing, exhilarating and terrifying things to do. I mean, look at this course:

And check it out -- each little cart has a basket!

The eco-friendly world of the future is going to be a very awesome place.


Anonymous said...

I'm going out on a limb with a pretty aggressive assumption regarding the apparent absence of any semblance of product liabilty in Japan.
Unless that seat (waist) belt is locked with a key that only the ride attendant has possession of...this event must double as the "world's slowest, most congested (notice that both riders/drivers have access to the brakes) coaster/bungee-less jump ride west of the Golden Gate Bridge.

L-D's D

Liz said...

The baskets will save them!

Anonymous said...

Oh...I thought they were to carry provisions for the 2-3 day trip.

L-D's D

Liz said...

It's multi-purpose. It also serves as a hat.

Anonymous said...

Im just some randome person wandering across your blog and i think that that would be totally awsome