Monday, July 09, 2007

This wouldn't happen if Hillary Clinton were president

TV Squad recently came up with a list of the seven coolest geeks on television: Adam and Jaime from Mythbusters, Conan O'Brien, Seth Green, Matt Stone and Trey Parker of South Park, The Simpsons' Comic Book Guy, Bill Hader from SNL and Patton Oswalt from The King of Queens and currently playing Gordon Ramsey as a mouse in Ratatouille. Which means that unless you count Matt Stone and Trey Parker in drag, there's not a single woman on the list. For failure to include Liz Lemon and/or any of her kind, I proclaim a big, ol' foul.*

* For the purpose of my mild outrage, I'm turning geeks and nerds into synonyms. Hey, playing with the nomenclature works for Bill O'Reilly all the time.


Ms. Meg said...

wow. I just read through the comments as well as the posting and there were only 2 women mentioned there. And one of them was mentioned in part for her hotness.

Though I do have to agree that they forgot Alton Brown.

Liz said...

Oh yeah, I agree with Alton definitely. And a couple other people folks mentioned in the comments. It's really weird to me though that they couldn't think of a single woman.

Shan said...

You mentioned Liz Lemon. Who else is there (on an existing show)? I just went through a list of my Tivo Season passes, and was hard pressed to come up with woman geek/nerd character. Chloe O'Brien? Temperance Brennan? Samantha Carter? Sad that there's such a dearth.

Anonymous said...

Samantha Bee, Lisa Simpson, Willow from Buffy....and.....

Well, I'm stumped now but that's still three more than any of those commentors thought of.